Where are all the Cowboys?


Where are all the Cowboys? Where did all the men with strong, straight spine go? (not being a chauvinistic pig here, but using the “men” word in a very gender non-specific way in this blog.) Where are all the guys taking pride in asking questions, accepting defeats gracefully? Where are those strong shoulder fathers who carried their children on their shoulders to see the independence day parade?

Faceless Folks!

Call it social pressure, society structure — but we are lacking people taking a decisive stance! Folks are interested in trolling someone online and run away when challenged! The so-called leaders and faceless politicians are interested in doing the under-the-table transactions instead of facing challenges heads on. People looking for throwing others under the bus and heartless greedy ones wagging their tongues for tasting money are dying within.

Call me the old fashioned, but I really admire my father’s generation. People kept it very simple back then. They had the courage, pride in raising the families and earning the hard, right way. They worked with a chip on the shoulder and a smile on the faces. There were pressures back then as well. Frustrations, poverty and crime had plagued that generation as well, but people were honest, with a blue-collared mentality and showed immense strength about facing diversity. The social fabric, society structure was rock solid.

Where did these people go? Dinosaurs?


Searching for the Cowboys who hunt for bad blood, rode under clear skies and faced every challenge with a grin on the face, swagger. Searching the strong spined-men who stood for the truth, fought wars for humanity, took pride in respecting others and believed in actions than showing timid opinions on social media.